Today I spent a couple of hours in hackathon mode with fellow members of the AmonI (Artificial Models of Natural Intelligence) research group at Bath . We decided it was time to bring the AmonI web pages up to date, so that the web site properly reflects our previous and current work. It was a great opportunity to meet up, discuss our work, and our research plans.
The group is headed by Joanna J. Bryson , who’s current PhD students include Andreas Theodorou, Holly Wilson and Alexandros Rotsidis. I remain an affiliate.
Our work is wide ranging, from Robot Ethics, AI Ethics and Policy, through Systems Engineering of AI to Cognitive Systems. Underpinning all our work is the idea that we can learn how to build AI systems by studying natural intelligence (NI), and conversely we can use AI to help us model and understand NI.
I guess they may still be in hacking mode now, but I have to meet a student and plan tomorrow’s lecture before the end of my day …